Privacy Policy

JA Travel Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Personal data processor and contact details of the controller:

SIA “JA Travel” Reg. No.  50203178121, e-mail:  

Purposes of personal data processing:

  • Provision of tourism services (legal basis for personal data processing: fulfillment of contractual and legal obligations):

    • Customer and Tourist identification

    • For preparation and conclusion of the contract

    • To provide tourism services

    • For review of applications and claims

    • For billing administration

    • For preparation of accounting reports

    • Debt recovery and recovery

  • For sending commercial communications (legal basis for personal data processing: Customer's consent)

  • For the provision of information to state and local government institutions in the cases specified in legal regulatory enactments (legal basis for personal data processing: compliance with legal regulatory enactments


The provision of personal data is a precondition for concluding a Tourism Service Agreement in accordance with the Cabinet of Ministers Regulations of 21 October 2003 No. 585 "Regulations on Accounting and Organization" and in relation to complex tourism services Cabinet Regulation No. 353 of 13 April 2010 "Regulations on Regulations on the Rights and Obligations of a Tour Operator, Travel Agent and Client, Procedures for Preparation and Implementation of a Complex Tourism Service "information to be provided to the customer and the procedure for payment of the financial security guarantee" and other regulatory enactments.

In case of non-provision of personal data, SIA “JA Travel” cannot ensure the provision of tourism services to the Client.

The Agency will comply with the requirements of the Personal Data Protection Law and Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, as well as other applicable legislation in the field of privacy and data processing.

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